Boston Grotto Photo Gallery

Boston Grotto Photo Gallery


Photo Gallery last updated 4/8/98.

Welcome to the Boston Grotto Photo Gallery!

We've collected a variety of photographs taken by Boston Grotto members over the last 20 years to illustrate many of the activities of the Boston Grotto. Even if you never plan to join us for a cave exploration trip, we think you'll find these pictures interesting and informative.

We've tried to sample a broad variety of areas of interest, and more photos are being added all the time. If you have any high quality scanned photos you would like to offer for display here, drop a line. If you have any free web space to offer so that we can store more photos online, let know.

To see a tiny version of most of the photos in a single image, click on this Catalog link.

All photographs are copyrighted from 1974 to 1998 by individual members of the Boston Grotto or their friends. See our copyright info page for details and usage information. Permission for reuse of these photos is granted, provided credit is given to the photographers, as shown on these pages. Contact the photographers directly for permission for commercial use.

Cave Photos by Category

Each of the links in the list below leads to a topic page. Each topic page contains a short introduction to the topic, several small (GIF) in-line photos to illustrate the topic, and captions for the photos. Each in-line photo is also a hot link to a larger (JPEG) version of that photo suitable for viewing with a web browser or separate viewer.

Many of the photos appear on more than one topic page. The current version of this site has about 95 photos in all. To see the complete list in one place, refer to the list below, but this list does not show the in-line photos, to keep this page short.

Suggestion: These photos are stored using 24-bit "millions of colors". For best results, set your monitor to as many colors as you can.

List of All the Photos

In order to protect particularly sensitive caves, some of the cave names have been ommitted from this list. Please contact or for more information.

We hope you enjoyed your tour of the Boston Grotto Photo Gallery.

Please come again soon, and tell your friends about us.

Please send email to one of the page maintainers listed below if you have any comments, good or bad.

Return to Boston Grotto home page.

Page Maintained by: and Morrie Gasser